Tuesday, October 25, 2011

DO NOT WANT: Paula Deen bread and butter chips

You may not know this, but I'm a pretty big pickle fan. The bf likes to indulge my taste for the sour and recently picked up a jar of Paula Deen Bread & Butter Pickle Chips at off-price store Big Lots. Sometimes there's a reason things end up in those places. These were terrible: too thick, fake sweet, unbalanced, and not good on anything, especially burgers (where a B&B pickle should be found!). AVOID.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Pickle Party

Last week's episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ("Sweet Dee Gets Audited") featured a splinter group called The Pickle Party. I couldn't find a clip [yet] but read a recap here.

Monday, October 10, 2011

La Costena pickled sliced carrots

Everyone knows La Costena's pickled jalapenos (sliced or whole, served with pickled carrots) but did you know they also sell cans of just the pickled carrots? They are a dream. Sweet, tart, juicy. My only wish would be that they were sliced thinner. I can polish off a can in an evening and they're excellent served with sliced chorizo and cheese.